volunteers help push up a wall for a house under construction

Membership Management Software for Nonprofits

Grow membership and revenue with EveryAction Membership. Easily acquire, renew, retain, and engage with members across channels from direct mail, email, social, events, telemarketing, and more.

Trusted by Today’s Leading Nonprofits

Recruit, Retain, and Renew More Members

Define membership criteria, set renewal expirations, and manage member cards and benefits.
portrait of a person

Manage your unique member program with customizable membership levels, terms, and hierarchies.

Run seamless multi-channel campaigns to engage with members in the channel they prefer, including email, phone, mail, and mobile messaging.

Automate communications to welcome, renew, and recapture members at the right time every time.

Learn More

Allow members to renew and upgrade their membership, update contact information, and more with customizable, branded self-service pages.

Immediately see acquisition and renewal performance results, have member trends at your fingertips and better understand what efforts contribute to overall retention.

Create an Accurate, Actionable Membership Database

See a full picture of your membership program in order to easily set and achieve goals.

Grow Your Membership

Integrated marketing and fundraising solutions make it easy to promote and grow your membership program with multi-channel communication.

Recapture Lapsed Members

Track current and lapsed members and create targeted campaigns to recapture lapsed members. Use automated communications to renew and recapture members at the right time.

Know When to Upgrade

Set membership rules to easily identify opportunities and track member upgrades.

Track and Evaluate Your Program

See your program at a glance to easily track your progress and identify new opportunities.

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group of people picking up litter at a beach

Build Strong Relationships, Optimize Communication, and Increase Fundraising Today

EveryAction’s Membership solutions make it easy to send personalized, interactive communication that your members will love receiving. Start seeing improved fundraising results today.